- Join us for worship on Saturdays at 5pm* and Sundays at 9am.
- *To view worship online, click here.
- The funeral for Dan Anderson was on Friday, February 7.
- For more information and to view the service online, click here.
Visit Us
Saturday 5:00 p.m.
Sunday 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School 10:15 a.m. (ages 2 – adult)
What Can I Expect?
Visiting any church for the first time can be a little intimidating. We’ve put together the following information that we hope will answer our questions. Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions or comments.
Getting Situated
There are Handicap Parking spaces near the east entrance of the church. The building is wheelchair accessible. There is a coat rack and restrooms in the Narthex area. Greeters and ushers will give you a bulletin, gladly answer any questions you have, find you a seat an help you if you need assistance getting in.
What should I wear?
God accepts us as we are – no matter who we are, what we do or how we dress. We do not have a dress code. Worshippers at Faith Lutheran wear anything from jeans and t-shirts, to slacks and golf shirts, to suits and ties. Please wear whatever you feel is most comfortable for you in this setting.
What about the kids?
Faith Lutheran Church is a family oriented congregation. We encourage everybody in the family to attend the services, even if service is a little more noisy at times. Most Sundays, children are invited to come forward and sit and listen to a short children’s sermon.
We also have “Busy Bags” on coat trees just outside the sanctuary. Look for the colorful bags – they have crayons, coloring books, reading books and more for the small children in your family.

What about the offering?
At some point after the sermon, offering plates will be passed around. This is an opportunity for our regular members to actively respond to all God had given them by freely giving to support His church through the ministries of Faith Lutheran. We certainly do not expect or require visitors to put anything in the offering plate, though you are welcome to if you like.
Will I be able to follow along with the service?
Basically, everything you need in order to follow the service is in the bulletin. A large print version of the bulletin is available just outside the sanctuary itself. Please ask an usher if you need assistance finding one.
Can I take Communion and how does it work?
All who are baptized are welcome to receive Holy Communion. This gift is itself the real presence of God’s forgiveness and mercy. If children commune at your home congregation, they are welcome to commune here. Young children who do not receive communion are invited to come forward with their hands folded to receive a blessing.
After the sermon and offering, ushers will indicate when it’s your row’s turn to approach the altar. If you choose to participate, join the line in the center aisle. Communion is either by receiving a wafer and then a small cup of wine or grape juice or received by kneeling at the railing in front of the church.
When it is by receiving the wafer and a small cup, the pastor will hand you a wafer and say “The body of Christ, given for you”. Take the wafer and eat it and then choose either the wine in the outer rings of the tray or the darker colored grape juice in the inner rings of the tray. The communion assistant will say “The blood of Christ, shed for you”. Place your used cup in the basket at the end of the front pew.
When communion is at the railing, the pastor will hand you bread and say “The body of Christ, given for you”. The communion assistant will offer you wine in a small cup. The assistant will say “The blood of Christ, shed for you”. Another assistant will follow with a basket for you to put your empty cup. After you have placed your cup in the basket, you may rise and return to your seat by the side isle.
If you wish to take communion, but are unable to walk to the front of the church, please tell an usher and the pastor will bring the bread and wine to you at your chair.